Once again I used Otsukai service to buy used Ruki Makino and Renamon's Best Tamer CD - it only has a few scratches on the cover, the CD is fine (I planned to buy the same cover and just replace it but it's actually really hard to get the same cover in 2021 so I've decided to just leave the original cover on (I also tried to remove the scratches with some youtube tutorials but no luck)). I actually bought it for my sister's birthday present since it's her favourite Digimon Best Tamer CD. I was searching for a new one but since the CD came out in 2001 I could only find from a second hand. The CD is really nice tho - it's transparent and for a second I thought that this Otsukai person only sent me the cover, haha. I was listening to all Digimon Best Tamer CDs recently and I have to say Ryo's is my favourite. I like his rockish style and I think I listened to his and Ruki's songs the most so it's also a bit of nostalgic.
Every time I find a website with Anime (mostly Digimon) merchandise the shipping is either very expensive or they don't ship to my country - all around just not to us, haha. So I was trying to buy a Chinese Digimon Manga I found on yesasia.com to help me with my learning Chinese. After buying it the support send me an email saying that they can't get the Manga from their distributor so they gave me the money back. They really have a lot of products (mostly Asian, not just Chinese or Japanese) from comics to home decor. I think it's one of my fav page when I have to find something Asian that I can't find in my country or Europe. Even tho I'm a bit lazy lately and use Otsukai a lot and let other people find things I'm searching for. The shipping there is also cheaper than on a lot of other websites. So win win.
Lately I'm into Detective Conan again (I started re-watching it again; only 900 more episode to go ) because my sister was watching it and I kinda wanted to watch it too? She graduated in Japanese language and she is basically refreshing her Japanese knowledge with it and since it's her birthday soon I bought her a light novel made after 2017 Detective Conan movie: Crimson Love Letter. We watched the movie this New year's eve and I think it's easier to read about the story you already know and the characters you already like. I found the book on cdjapan.co.jp with not so expensive shipping (you have more options, I chose the cheapest one but you still get the tracking number and only 3 weeks to get it - which is really fast
). This website is also one of my favourite. You can get a lot of things here that has been released in Japan (Japanese stuff only!). I always check for Digimon stuff here but am usually always too late and everything is already sold out.
Last website I found not so long ago - I think I saw the ads already before but never really clicked on them - is japanhaul.com where you can find the newest items released in Japan - mostly food, anime items and beauty products. I was searching for a Detective Conan or Digimon sweets to give to my sister as part of her birthday present and I found a Detective Conan Chocolate Egg here on this website. I ordered 2 - one for me and one for her and I planned to buy more when I receive the first two but they were sold out a few days later. The shipping is also cheap (once again you can choose between different shipping) and the delivery is very fast.
I have to say I'm really happy with all the orders I bought and can't wait to open the chocolate egg to see what figure I got.
Labels: CD, CDjapan, Detective Conan, Digimon, Japan, Japanhaul, Otsukai, Yesasia